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How to Become a Video Game tester in UK

Technology is meant to develop our lives and make it easier for individuals. It is also used to entertain us and provide us with games. There are more than 100 games companies in the UK, from Super Mario to SIMS, many impressive game versions are updated and tested. Are you interested in the gaming field? Do you want to make money out of testing games? This article is for you to show the guidelines for game testing.

How to Become a Game Tester? Any Qualifications?

how to become a video game tester

The field of gaming has long attracted young and mature people. Playing video games might require some skills rather than a degree. There are many roles and tasks to do in the video game industry to reach the final result.

A Game Designer:

The game designer's general role is to explain how the game works properly during the design process. A game designer sets objectives, rules, and procedures. A game designer should be a qualified person with proficiency in the IT sciences, Programmation, and illustration skills.5 Key Elements of Graphic Design Resume

A Content Writer:

Surprisingly, making games includes writing. Content writers are needed to set the story and give it life. They are also responsible for planning everything that makes the game acceptable. They focus on building the game levels by adding new characters, actions to achieve, ways to win bonuses or lose points, penalties, and ways to buy extra efforts to continue the game. A content writer is not necessarily a graduate person. What matters is how to build a story that turns into a game. Can Blogging be a Full-time job in 2020?

An Illustrator/ Sketch Artist:

Whether it builds on the foundations of architecture or drawing sketches on paper Blueprint, the game designing stage requires artists who can draw the characters, the setting, the game maps, and players' destiny. Illustrators and sketch artists can coordinate the story (general plot ) with the visual elements. Applicants should be qualified in drawing, fine arts, graphic design, animation techniques, or marvel design. These different disciplines can lead to a super developed video game. Know Everything About Remote Illustrations Jobs in the UK

A Game Tester:

a game tester job description

In the final stage, when the story, game rules, and everything is ready, comes to the stage of testing and examining the whole work. A game tester can be simply a gamer who is active on social media and knows the gaming field. Employers are usually looking for a person who is similar to the average user, a person who can try video games and give reviews about the final product. The role of a game tester is usually based on acting as a player. If not, the game tester should watch the game from another angle. The candidate should describe the playing process and see if this game requires some adjustment. These tasks may sound easy, but they need:

-Full attendance in the game company: a game tester is like all employees. He/She should be present at the launching of the game and at explaining its steps.

A perfect understanding of digital errors: game testers should know the technical words used to describe the gaming process's digital problems.

- A detail-oriented person: a game tester should have views on graphic design, the story, and the programming process. This person should tell in detail if all these elements are going correctly or not.

-creativity: a tester should also be a creative person who can enrich the industry. This is the essential feature in the game, which is the excitement that integrates players and encourages them to proceed.

-problem-solving skills: a game-tester should be an objective person to judge on the game quality. This applicant should give the necessary feedback, including the found problems. When the game is delivered to the player, it must be complete and entirely entertaining.

All of the above terms and conditions can be mentioned in a game tester job advertisement to select talented applicants. You may also read; What are the Best Paying Part-time Jobs in London.

Is there an Age limit to enter the gaming professional field?

Age restrictions are generally required. Not all video games are fit for children. So, applicants are not automatically teenagers; even some might be part of the team staff. Game Designers should be above 18 years, as their mission is to focus and keep the user experience committed to the game industry. Adding to their proficiency in technical matters (graphics, effects, and programming), they should improve the quality, as their adjustments are linked to the video game tester reviews and not on average users. Video gaming companies usually target older applicants who have experience in the field. It is even sporadic to see teenagers as video designers, provided they have the necessary skills and knowledge to establish successful designs. You may also discover; Are Apprenticeships Age-restricted in the UK?

Are Video Gaming Jobs inter-related:


Even though companies require applicants from different backgrounds, there is a strong sense of inter-related tasks where all the efforts are required to meet and set goals together. For example, a game tester works along with a graphic design artist to help in inspiring others about:

  • additional sounds and visual effects
  • ways to show victory or failure in the game
  • ways to depict the game options and levels.

Similarly, a sketch artist creates the video's visual plot and lets managers take care of the budget and works with the technical directors to develop the gaming engine. 

A Video Game Tester Salary:

Although there is a big-budget put on the game making process, a video game tester's salary is not significant than the rest of the staff members. This job can offer 10£ per hour for entry-level gamers, 12 £ for experienced testers.

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