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Social Worker Cover Letter Examples and Samples in New Zealand

In New Zealand, there is a huge demand for social workers. With the rise of the older residents who need care and with the increase in population, these factors baked for creating vacancies in social care homes. Do you want to get a job as a social worker? If yes, you need to prepare a cover letter along with a CV to increase the chances of your recruitment

Social Working Jobs Cover Letter

Social Work in NZ

Before crafting your cover letter, you should update your CV to meet the New Zealand Style. Try to edit your content, including the most recent experience, qualifications, and skills. If you have a referee, try to include its contact details after taking his/ her consent. 

Now, it is time to embark on the cover letter writing task. To get more hints about the roles and the responsibilities of certain jobs, sign up to Fratres. Concerning social work services cover letters, you should describe your eligibility for the job. If you want to become a social worker, you have two possible choices: 

-Complete apprenticeship for social care services in New Zealand

-Start as a volunteer, then gradually apply for a social worker's job.

The first option is more common, as you need to obtain your qualification, achieve apprenticeship and get a good number of referees who can confirm your candidacy.

 Concerning the required skills, you should have

-Communication skills: you should be an excellent communicator to interact with various social causes.

-Flexibility: you should cope with every situation, and you should be available for help

-Confidentiality: being confident with people's secrets is one of the requirements as some people are sensitive about revealing their life details without their permission.

Social Worker Cover Letter Writing Tips:

A cover letter is essential to communicate with recruiters. The main reason to send this letter is to prove to employers that you meet the requirements. There are some writing tips you need to follow to make this letter successfully.

1.Download a Cover letter template:

 We are in 2021. It's recommended to employ modern tools while writing your letter. Try to employ a template that goes well with your CV template.

2.Format your letter :

 Like any formal letter, a cover letter has a specific overview. It has; a 

Cover letter header: 

cover letter's components

This header includes a horizontal list of your name, contact information, date, employer's name, job title, the workplace/organization's name, and contact info.

Your name

Phone Number




Employer's Name

Employer's Job Title

Workplace address


One of the formal ways to address your reader is the salutation. You should employ addresses like;  

Dear Mr./Ms.(employer's last name)

You can also write to whom it may concern when you don't know the exact name of your recruiter.

A Social Worker cover letter's content:

Your content should reflect the following points:

  • You have well read the job offer
  • You meet the requirements
  • You have many achievements in the target job
  • You are expecting a job interview as soon as possible

These 4 essential pieces of information will be scattered into three sections. Take a look at; What Does a Caregiver Do in New Zealand ?

Social work cover letter example


 It would help if you started with a brief introduction talking about yourself, for example, My name is XYZ. I am applying as a social worker. I have culminated in three years of professional experience in care homes. After reading the job offer posted in ( write the reference), I inform you that I meet the requirement in the description list.

2. Body: 

This section includes all the information that reflects your eligibility for the job. You can start with a paragraph summarizing your previous job experience or training. If you don't have any experience, write about what attracts you to social work. Example:

"I am writing this letter to pursue a career in social care services. I am applying for this job for various reasons. First, I have always been interested in social support and help to various social groups and categories. Second, as a New Zealander, I have strong communication skills in using Maori, English, and sign language, which makes me able to give maximum help to various cultural groups. Concerning skills, I can give advice, motivate people and solve problems".

Second paragraph: state what makes you the perfect candidate: you can describe your achievements and participation in various roles that constructed your personality as a social worker. You should demonstrate one of your achievements; for example, you helped two kids reach their birth parents after adoption. You can state various happenings provided that they are true and happened during your work. Avoid any made-up story to look perfect for the job.

In the last paragraph, you need to remind recruiters of your application.


 You can end your letter with the hope of getting hired by showing your interest in meeting for an interview. Don't forget to thank your recruiter for time and intention. Here is an example:

I am looking forward to meeting you in an interview to discuss my application further. I also invite you to take a look at my CV. In case of demanding any information, you can find me through ( your contact information). Thank you for your time and attention.


Your name


That was a social working job cover letter writing tips. Remember to make the necessary changes related to your professional situation. 


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